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Have you seen React 18's new 'startTransition' feature? (https://dmitripavlutin.com/react-usetransition/) No more lag when you reload many components simultaniously; so good to be a React dev nowadays 😅

Sometimes React apps are growing larger and larger and performance begins to suck. Luckily devs can split components into smaller chunks and lazy load them when needed. Here is an article on how to reduce app loading time by 70% with that trick (https://javascript.plainenglish.io/speed-up-your-react-app-initial-load-using-code-splitting-f2de58c01ed2)

New react hook ‘useEvent’ is proposed for defining an event handler that ‘sees’ fresh props/state but has a stable function identity (https://typeofnan.dev/what-the-useevent-react-hook-is-and-isnt/). Do you think it'll be a helpful one?


I like this Angular design pattern atricle that helps if requirements change frequently (https://indepth.dev/posts/1478/designing-angular-architecture-container-presentation-pattern)

Have you ever looked at React Context API and wished Angular had the same feature? Probably not 😁 But in case you're wondering how to do that, here is a possible implementation of Context API, but for Angular (https://dev.to/this-is-angular/react-context-in-angular-i4a).

Is hydration, as offered by many newer frameworks, unnecessary overhead? The inventor of Angular explains why he thinks so and shares the strategy the Qwik framework uses instead: (https://thenewstack.io/javascript-hydration-is-a-workaround-not-a-solution/)


People are saying vue is 'third most important' frontend library but there is a person who built a $300K/Year Vue.js Component Library (https://www.starterstory.com/stories/i-built-a-300k-year-vue-js-component-library); that is likely even more money than material UI is making

Pinia is now Vue’s official state management library (it was previously Vuex). Here's short intro video to get you started (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zI5MhFFPMA).


Did you notice this huge list of 600 curated node packages? (https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs); it seems like a useful list broken down on categories, maybe some of them are useful to you?; by the way

Fastify 4.0 released: The first major release of a popular, high performance Node.js Web framework in two years warrants some celebration. Here what's changed (https://medium.com/@fastifyjs/fastify-v4-ga-59f2103b5f0e); are you using fastify or staying loyal to express?


Java v11 to v17 you seem to get an almost 10% speed boost (https://www.optaplanner.org/blog/2021/09/15/HowMuchFasterIsJava17.html), maybe bring this to your boss alongside with the request to get a higher salary? 😅 and if you don't get it, you can come back to us and we'll find you a new job!

Visual Studio Code now has good support for editing, running, and debugging Java code (https://www.infoworld.com/article/3662814/review-visual-studio-code-shines-for-java.html). What IDE do you prefer, IntelliJ IDEA?


Microsoft bought Github, everyone knows, but there are weekly news that support their open source efforts - 'Microsoft Open Sources .NET 5 C# Language Extension for SQL Server' (https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2021/09/08/open-sourcing-the-net-5-c-language-extension-for-sql-server/ so cool)

C# popularity surges by 2% in the last 12 months. According to Tiobe: “chances are high” that C# could replace C among the top three languages (https://www.infoworld.com/article/3660078/c-sharp-popularity-surges-in-tiobe-programming-language-index.html, so cool.

React Native

React native dev's have fantastic career prospects: twitter uses it now! (https://giuseppegurgone.com/twitter-html/) They truly have nailed to share code between mobile and web, so cool

React Native 0.68 has been released! This version lets you opt-in to the new Fabric Renderer and TurboModule system. Biggest news of the year for React Native! (https://reactnative.dev/blog/2022/03/30/version-068). Do you have any plans to upgrade?


This week I saw there is a new golang package (https://go-app.dev/) that uses declarative design, so cool! is that a pattern you follow in your current company?

Go has passed 100,000 stars on GitHub. (https://github.com/golang) and it's TWICE as many as Ruby on Rails has, isn't that exciting?

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